Logo for Devore, clothing/fashion brand based in St Petersburg, Russia

Grafton Partners logo, for a property developers, using the family crest

Logo for The Outsiders, a research company for the advertising industry

Logo for FST (Family Survival Trust), a charity to support those impacted by cult membership

Logo for consultants to creative industries, Chloé Nelkin Consulting

Logo for design consultants

Logo for web development agency Obsessive Web

Logo for design consultants

Logo for research agency SLS

Logo for freelance journalist and writer Victoria Saddler

Logos for VerbMaps, a website that shows conjugation of verbs in several languages. The logo was adaptable for several languages, and was used on the website and on publications.

Logo for Pinzeria, an Italian restaurant chain in Moscow

Logo for Russian Language Centre, a school for Russian language based in London

Logo for Moscow-based consultancy Nika Consulting

Logo for legal firm Erin Dick

Logo for accountancy and bookkeeping firm JSA